Lady Sue Gray

Sue Gray, affectionately known as Sister Sue, is the middle child to the late Robert and Mary “Poogie” Valentine- Mischal. She has two sisters, Robin and LeeAnn, and one late brother, Robert “Bob” Mischal, whom she misses dearly. Lady Sue Gray is the heart of Zion Baptist Church serving as the devoted wife of Pastor J. Troy Gray for nearly 32 years. Together they have raised six children keeping God at the center of family and family as the heart of life.
​ Lady Sue has not only been the crown and strength of her husband but she too has played a strong and prevalent role in the Chillicothe Community. In September of 2016 she retired from the Chillicothe City School District where she served for over 30 years. She changed the halls of Chillicothe High School by showing love to all of her students, advocating for African-American students, and never failing to share the love of Jesus Christ. You would be hard-pressed to find a student who has walked the halls of CHS that doesn’t love and respect “Mrs. Gray” as they know her. During her first years at CHS she served on a team which taught all incoming juniors the importance of multicultural diversity, in this she found much joy. Lady Gray recognizes the blessing working in the school system has been for her (as she was able to see all of her children through high school), she has also been a tremendous blessing to CHS through her continued dedication to the lives of staff and students.
Aside from Lady Gray’s professional work, she has played a major role in the development and ministerial aspect of Zion Baptist Church. She is the head of several ministries including the Young Adult Women’s Ministry, the Wedding Coordination Ministry, and the Special Events Decorator; she is also a member of the Adult Praise Team and Choir. Although Lady Sue has six children of her own, many call her Mom. She has a heart for and is dedicated to serving people. She notes her greatest treasures to be her family and being able to help people.
Zion Baptist Church would not be the loving church family that it is today without the face and voice of Lady Sue Gray.